What is The Most Sociable Dog?

The Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers have a reputation for being some of the friendliest and most sociable dogs in the world. They always love meeting new people, no matter how shy they may be. They are also very tolerant and patient with children, making them ideal family dogs.

But what makes the Golden Retriever so sociable? There are several reasons.

* Genetics: Golden Retrievers have a reputation for being easy going, friendly, and loyal dogs. This is partly due to their genetics, and the careful selective breeding that has been done over many years.

* Socialization: Golden Retrievers are also highly socialized animals, and thrive on interaction with people and other animals. They love to play, and are always up for an adventure.

* Training: Golden Retrievers are also very easy to train, and respond well to positive reinforcement. With proper training, they can learn to be well behaved, respectful and loving companions.