What is the climax of notes from a liar and her dog?

In the novel "Notes From a Liar and Her Dog" by Gennifer Choldenko, the climax occurs when the protagonist, Samantha (Sam) Windsor, faces the consequences of her lies and must confront the truth about herself and her relationships. Here's a summary of the climax:

1. Confrontation with Dr. Beeman: Sam's lies and deception eventually catch up with her when Dr. Beeman, the school principal, confronts her about her fake diary entries. Dr. Beeman discovers that Sam has been plagiarizing her diary entries from a published book, and she is forced to come clean about her dishonesty.

2. Emotional Breakdown: Sam is overwhelmed with guilt and shame as she realizes the extent of her deception. She breaks down emotionally, acknowledging her lies and the impact they have had on others, especially her friends and family.

3. Apology and Confession: Sam gathers her courage and decides to confront the people she has deceived. She visits her friends, Mr. Beeman, and her parents to apologize and confess her actions. Sam takes responsibility for her mistakes and tries to make amends for her dishonesty.

4. Forgiveness and Reconciliation: As Sam faces the consequences of her actions, she finds support and forgiveness from those she has wronged. Her parents, Mr. Beeman, and her friends eventually come to terms with her deception and offer her their understanding and guidance.

5. Personal Growth: The climax of the story marks a significant turning point in Sam's character development. By confronting her lies and accepting the consequences, she learns the importance of honesty, integrity, and self-reflection. She begins to grow and mature, realizing that it's better to be authentic and true to oneself rather than resorting to deception.

Overall, the climax of "Notes From a Liar and Her Dog" revolves around Sam's confrontation with her dishonesty, her emotional breakdown, and her journey towards personal growth and redemption.