What does it mean when a dog bites its pup in the neck and starts crying?

When a mother dog bites its pup in the neck and starts crying, it usually indicates a natural dog behavior known as "carrying" or "picking up" its pup. Here's what it means:

1. Carrying Behavior: Mother dogs (dams) often gently grip the back of their puppies' necks with their mouths when moving or transporting them. This behavior mimics how the mother instinctively carries her puppies when they are tiny and unable to walk.

2. Expression of Care and Protection: The mother dog's behavior is a way for her to show care, protection, and a strong mother-pup bond. She may carry her puppies to a safer location, such as her den or a secluded spot, to ensure their safety.

3. Crying or Whining: The mother dog's crying or whining while carrying her pup is usually a sign of communication and guidance. She may make certain sounds to signal her intentions or to encourage the pup to follow her.

4. Teaching Independence: As puppies grow older, the mother dog may use this carrying behavior to help them learn independence and explore their surroundings. She may carry the pup a short distance and then release it, encouraging the pup to start moving on its own.

5. Establishing Hierarchy: In some cases, a mother dog may carry her puppies to establish a social hierarchy within the litter. By gently biting and carrying a particular pup, she may be expressing her dominance or guiding the pup's behavior.

However, it's essential to observe the context and overall behavior of the mother dog and her puppies. If the mother is showing excessive aggression, neglecting the puppies, or exhibiting signs of distress, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist for further evaluation and guidance.