- Anti-: against (antonym)
- Bi-: two (bicycle)
- Co-: with (cooperate)
- De-: remove (defrost)
- Dis-: opposite of (dislike)
- Im-: not possible (impossible)
- Mis-: wrong (misplace)
- Pre-: before (predict)
- Re-: again (reheat)
- Un-: opposite of (unhappy)
- -able: capable of (lovable)
- -age: the act or process of (marriage)
- -ance: the state of being (guidance)
- -ant: one who does (accountant)
- -en: to make (whiten)
- -er: a person who does something (teacher)
- -ful: full of (thoughtful)
- -ify: to make (simplify)
- -ing: the present participle or a gerund (running)
- -ion: the act, process or result of (education)
- -ish: similar to (boyish)
- -ive: having a tendency to (active)
- -less: without (fearless)
- -ment: the act, process or result of (development)
- -ness: the state or quality of being (kindness)
- -ous: full of (generous)
- -tion: the act or process of (formation)
- -ure: the state or condition of being (closure)
Remember that there are many affixes in the English language, and they play a vital role in creating new words and expressing different meanings, adding flexibility and richness to the English vocabulary.