Are tarsier and aye related?

Tarsiers and aye-ayes are both primates, but they are not closely related. Tarsiers are classified in the suborder Haplorhini, which includes monkeys, apes, and humans, while aye-ayes are classified in the suborder Strepsirrhini, which includes lemurs and bushbabies.

Tarsiers and aye-ayes share some similarities, such as their small size and their nocturnal habits. However, they also have some key differences. Tarsiers have large eyes and long, powerful hind legs, which they use to jump from tree to tree. Aye-ayes have long, thin fingers, which they use to tap on trees to find insects.

Tarsiers are found in Southeast Asia, while aye-ayes are found in Madagascar. Both species are endangered due to habitat loss and hunting.