What is a common name?

A common name is a name that is widely used for a particular entity, often in informal or everyday contexts. Common names are often used in contrast to scientific names, which are used to precisely and uniquely identify organisms in scientific contexts.

For example, the scientific name for the domestic dog is Canis lupus familiaris, but its common name is simply "dog". Similarly, the scientific name for the common house cat is Felis catus, but its common name is "cat".

Common names can vary depending on the region, language, or cultural context. For instance, the same animal might have different common names in different parts of the world. Additionally, common names are often less precise than scientific names and can refer to several closely related species or even different organisms entirely.

Despite these limitations, common names are widely used in everyday communication, media, and popular culture, making them an important part of our language and understanding of the world around us.