How do you train a dog to not bark when the door bell rings?

Step-by-step training process:

Step 1: Teach your dog a "quiet" command

- Hold a treat in front of your dog's nose and say the word "quiet."

- When your dog stops barking, give them the treat and praise them.

- Repeat this exercise until your dog consistently stops barking when you say the word "quiet."

Step 2: Introduce the door bell

- Once your dog has mastered the "quiet" command, start by ringing the door bell while they are in another room.

- If they bark, immediately enter the room and say "quiet."

- If they stop barking, give them a treat and praise them.

- Repeat this exercise until they learn to stop barking when they hear the door bell.

Step 3: Practice in different scenarios

- Once your dog has mastered the "quiet" command with the door bell, start practicing in different scenarios.

- For example, have a friend ring the door bell while you are sitting on the couch.

- If your dog barks, immediately say "quiet" and stand up.

- Only pet and reward your dog once they stop barking.

- Repeat this exercise until your dog learns to stay quiet when they hear the door bell, no matter where they are in the house.

Step 4: Be patient

- Training your dog to not bark when the door bell rings takes time and patience.

- Be consistent with your training and don't give up if your dog doesn't learn right away.

- With time and effort, your dog will learn to stay quiet when someone comes to the door.

Additional tips:

- If your dog is particularly excitable, you may want to start training them in a quiet room with few distractions.

- If your dog continues to bark when the door bell rings, try increasing the distance between them and the door.

- You can also try using a deterrent such as a squirt bottle filled with water.