What is the differences between man and other mammals?

Intelligence: Humans have the most advanced cognitive abilities of any mammal. This is reflected in our ability to use language, invent and utilize technology, comprehend complex social dynamics, and engage in abstract thought.

Bipedalism: Humans are the only mammals that walk upright on two legs. This evolutionary development has significantly contributed to our ability to perform activities like running, climbing, and using tools.

Hands and tool use: Human hands are highly developed, with a flexible thumb and opposable fingers that enable us to handle tools and perform intricate activities. Furthermore, humans have demonstrated a unique capacity for tool creation and utilization.

Language and communication: Humans have a highly developed language system that enables advanced forms of communication. This includes the ability to express complex thoughts and ideas, tell stories, and discuss past and future events.

Social behavior and cooperation: Humans are social animals that form complex societies. We cooperate with one another to achieve shared goals, build structures, and advance technology.

Culture: Humans have the remarkable capacity to create and pass down culture, including customs, beliefs, values, and knowledge, from one generation to the next.

Adaptation and environment: Humans are uniquely adaptable and have colonized various environments, from the icy polar regions to the scorching deserts. Our ability to use tools, construct dwellings, and manage ecosystems has aided us in surviving and flourishing in a wide range of habitats.