Fragmentation and Allusion:
The narrative is fragmented, reflecting the fragmented mind of the female character. The dialogue between the couple is interspersed with snippets of descriptions, creating a disjointed and elliptical flow that challenges traditional storytelling techniques. Hemingway alludes to the couple's decision regarding an abortion without explicitly stating it, adding to the ambiguity and complexity of the story.
Stream of Consciousness:
Hemingway employs stream-of-consciousness narration, capturing the inner thoughts and emotions of the characters as they grapple with their decision. This technique reveals the couple's mental processes, allowing the reader to understand their thoughts, fears, and motivations directly.
Symbolism and Imagery:
The story is rich in symbolism and imagery, adding layers of meaning to the narrative. The title itself, "Hills Like White Elephants," suggests the woman's ambivalence about her choice. The recurring motif of the train, which symbolizes movement, change, and escape, further emphasizes the couple's emotional turmoil.
Lack of Resolution:
Unlike traditional short stories, "Hills Like White Elephants" does not provide a clear resolution or answers. The conflict remains unresolved, mirroring the real-life situations in which complex choices don't always lead to clear outcomes. This open-endedness invites the reader to reflect on the implications and consequences of the couple's decision.
Focus on Interiority:
Rather than focusing on external events, the story delves deep into the characters'内心生活, exploring their psychological states, fears, and conflicts. This focus on interiority aligns with modernist fiction's emphasis on psychological realism.
Minimalist Prose:
Hemingway's writing style in "Hills Like White Elephants" exemplifies modernist minimalist aesthetics. The prose is concise, precise, and stripped of unnecessary embellishments. This economy of language allows the story's themes and emotions to emerge with greater power and impact.
Subtext and Irony:
The story is laden with subtext and irony, inviting the reader to decipher the implied meanings beneath the surface. The characters' dialogue often carries subtextual layers, and the irony of their situation adds to the story's depth and complexity.
"Hills Like White Elephants" captures the essence of modernist fiction through its experimental techniques, fragmented narrative, focus on interiority, and use of symbolism and imagery. The story challenges traditional storytelling conventions, provokes thoughtful contemplation, and reflects the complexities and ambiguities of human existence in the modern era.