What is VP 1 or 2 in dog shows?

VP1 and VP2 stand for "Variety Placement 1" and "Variety Placement 2" in dog shows. They refer to the placings of individual dogs within their respective varieties in a specific dog show class.

In a dog show, dogs are divided into different breeds, and within each breed, they may be further classified into varieties based on specific physical characteristics or coat types. For instance, in the Poodle breed, there are three varieties: Standard Poodles, Miniature Poodles, and Toy Poodles.

During the judging process, dogs are evaluated individually within their varieties. The judge assesses each dog's conformation (physical structure) and adherence to the breed standard. Dogs that demonstrate superior quality and соответствие standards are awarded placements, with VP1 being the highest placement within a variety.

Therefore, VP1 in a dog show indicates that the dog has achieved the first place in its variety, while VP2 denotes the second-place position. These placings are important because they contribute to the overall success of the dog in the competition and can influence its future breeding and show career.