What does the name Akal Purakh Mean?

"Akal Purakh" is a Sikh term that refers to the Timeless Being or the Supreme Reality in Sikhism. It consists of two words: "Akal" and "Purakh."

Here's the meaning and significance of each word:

1. Akal:

- "Akal" can be translated as "timeless," "beyond time," or "undying."

- It refers to the eternal nature of the Supreme Reality.

- Akal implies that the Divine Being is not bound by the limitations of time and is not subject to change.

- It signifies the infinite, unchanging nature of God in Sikhism.

2. Purakh:

- "Purakh" can be translated as "Being," "Person," or "Entity."

- In the context of Sikhism, "Purakh" refers to the Supreme Being or God.

- It is used to denote the personal and transcendent nature of the Divine.

When combined, the term "Akal Purakh" refers to the Timeless Being, the Eternal Creator, and the Infinite Reality that is beyond human comprehension. It represents the central concept of God in Sikhism, underscoring the notion of a formless, all-pervading presence that transcends time and space.

In Sikh philosophy, Akal Purakh is often referred to as "Ek Ong Kar," meaning "One God," emphasizing the unity and oneness of the Supreme Being. This understanding of the Divine forms the basis of Sikh spiritual practice and devotion.