* Larger pupils: Cats have larger pupils than humans, allowing them to let in more light.
* Tapetum lucidum: Cats have a reflective layer behind their retinas called the tapetum lucidum. This layer reflects light back through the retina, amplifying the amount of light that reaches the light-sensitive cells. This is what makes their eyes appear to glow in the dark.
So, while they can't see in complete darkness, they can see much better in low light than humans.
However, it's important to note that:
* They still need some light: Cats don't have "night vision" like some animals. They still need some light to see.
* Their vision is blurry: Even in low light, their vision isn't as sharp as it is in daylight.
* They rely more on other senses: Cats use their whiskers, hearing, and smell to navigate in the dark.
In conclusion, cats are amazing at seeing in low light, but they can't see in complete darkness. They still need a small amount of light to see, and their vision is less sharp than in daylight.