How big are cats eyes?

It's impossible to give a specific size for a cat's eye because it varies greatly depending on the breed and individual cat.

Here's what we can say:

* Relative to their body: Cats have proportionally large eyes compared to their body size. This helps them see well in low light conditions.

* Size compared to other animals: While their eyes may seem large to us, they are actually smaller than the eyes of many other animals, such as owls or some fish.

Some general information about cat eyes:

* Shape: Cat eyes are typically round or oval, and they have a distinctive vertical pupil.

* Color: Cat eye color can vary greatly, from blue to green to gold.

* Function: Cats have excellent night vision due to a special reflective layer in their eyes called the tapetum lucidum. This layer reflects light back through the retina, increasing light sensitivity.

If you are interested in learning more about a specific cat breed, you can research the breed's characteristics, including eye size.