Do big cats attack other cats?

Yes, big cats can attack other cats, even those of the same species. Here's why:

* Territoriality: Big cats are very territorial. They will defend their territory from rivals, including other big cats.

* Competition for resources: Big cats compete for food, mates, and territory. This competition can lead to aggression and even violence.

* Social hierarchy: Within a pride or group of big cats, there is a social hierarchy. Dominant individuals may attack subordinate individuals to assert their dominance.

* Infanticide: Some big cats, particularly lions, are known to commit infanticide. This is often done by males to ensure that females will become receptive to mating and produce their own offspring.

* Defense of young: Female big cats will fiercely defend their cubs from any perceived threat, including other cats.


* Lions: Male lions often fight each other for control of a pride.

* Tigers: Tigers are solitary animals, but males will sometimes fight for territory or mates.

* Leopards: Leopards are also solitary animals, but they can sometimes fight for food or territory.

Important Note: While big cats can attack each other, it's important to remember that they are not inherently aggressive. Many interactions between big cats are peaceful and involve cooperation.