Here's why:
* Big cats are not typically social with other cats. They are solitary animals in the wild, except for mothers and their cubs. They don't have a concept of "family" or "kinship" in the way humans do.
* Big cats don't see kittens as competitors. While adult cats might fight over territory or resources, they don't see kittens as a threat. Kittens are too small and inexperienced to pose a challenge.
However, there are a few things to keep in mind:
* Adult cats may be indifferent to kittens. They might not show much interest in them or even ignore them completely.
* Adult males might be aggressive towards kittens if they are not the father. This is because they are driven by instinct to protect their own offspring and prevent others from breeding in their territory.
* In zoos or sanctuaries, where different cat species are kept together, there can be some interactions. However, these are usually supervised and controlled to ensure the safety of all animals.
So, the idea that big cats hate baby kittens is just a misconception. They simply don't have the capacity to feel such an emotion towards them.