Here's the breakdown:
* Female Savannahs vs. Male Savannahs: Male Savannah cats are typically larger than females, just like with most cat breeds.
* Savannahs vs. Other Breeds: Savannahs are known for being very large cats, especially for domestic cats. They can be much larger than many other breeds, even some male cats.
* Savannahs vs. Wild Cats: While Savannahs are domesticated, they still have a wild ancestor (the African Serval). Their size is still significantly smaller than that of a wild Serval.
So, to answer your question:
* A male Savannah cat is generally bigger than a female Savannah cat.
* A Savannah cat, regardless of sex, can be larger than many other domestic cat breeds.
* But a Savannah cat is still smaller than a wild Serval.
It's all about context!