How to Catch Bobcats

Bobcats are a medium-sized wild cat. They are primarily found in North America in diverse habitats. The bobcat prefers to eat rabbits, but will eat insects, small rodents and even deer. The adult male bobcat is approximately 35 inches in length with a stubby tail and weight of about 25 pounds. Catching a bobcat can be done with traps, but the likelihood of catching another animal is strong. Hunting a bobcat is preferable to trapping it.

Things You'll Need

  • Hunting rifle
  • Tranquilizer darts (1/2 inch needle)
  • Female bobcat urine
  • Hunting supplies
  • Dog cage for medium-sized dog.
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    • 1

      Contact local trackers, hunting guides and local park officials to find out where bobcats have been seen in the area. Bobcats are found all over the U.S. Talking to those who know the local wilderness will go a long way in finding the best locations to catch a bobcat.

    • 2

      Prepare to go hunting. Pack hunting supplies, food, boots, clothing and other provisions for a day in the woods. Tell others where and when you are going and, if possible, go with a friend or experienced hunter or guide.

    • 3

      Contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and obtain tags to hunt a bobcat. This ensures that the expedition is legal.

    • 4

      Purchase 1/2-inch tranquilizer darts for your hunting rifle. These darts are good for animals between 10 and 75 pounds.

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      Go to the location most likely to have bobcats according to the experts.

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      Sprinkle female bobcat urine around a clearing. The scent of the urine will attract male bobcats.

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      Retreat to a comfortable distance where you can have a clear shot at the animal. Stay still and wait for a bobcat to show up.

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      Fire the tranquilizer at the bobcat when it arrives. In less than a minute, the bobcat should be asleep.

    • 9

      Remove the dart and put the bobcat's body in a cage for a medium-sized dog. The animal should wake up in an hour.