10 Largest Wild Cats

The largest wild cats include lions, tigers, snow leopards, cheetahs and panthers. Cheetahs are the most widespread of the large wild cats. Love for big cats prompts some people to take in lions and tigers as backyard pets, with an estimated 60,000 tigers privately owned in the United States as of 2001.
  1. Jaguars

    • Jaguars are the largest of all South American wild cats. They can grow to 6 feet long and weigh up to 250 lbs. Jaguars are blind at birth. These carnivorous cats are not afraid of water, in which they swim and find food. The jaguar coat is tan with many black spots.


    • Lions live in a group known as a pride, which usually includes only two adult males because of rivalry among the males. Lions often hunt in the dark to catch their prey off-guard. They can weigh more than 500 lbs. and live up to 15 years in the wild and up to 30 years in captivity.

      Like other lions, the African lion can grow to 6 feet long, omitting the tail. It can weigh more than 400 lbs. The pride's females are the main breadwinners, gathering food for the rest of their group. African lions are listed as "vulnerable" on endangered species lists.


    • Bengal and Sumatran tigers weigh up to 720 lbs. and grow to as much as 9 feet long, including their tails. They wait until dark to hunt. These tiger species are endangered because they are hunted and because of their habitat's destruction.

      Siberian tigers grow to almost 11 feet long and weigh more 650 lbs., making them a fierce competitor against their prey. They live mostly in Russia's forests, and they live alone rather than in groups. Siberian tigers are endangered due to hunting and deforestation of their habitat.

    Snow Leopards

    • Snow leopards live in Central Asia, frequenting mountains. Growing up to 5 feet long, they weigh more than 100 lbs. They eat sheep, ibex and smaller animals, such as rabbits. Hunting and destruction of their habitat make these large cats endangered.


    • Known for their speed, cheetahs can run up to 60 mph. These cats may grow to 4 1/2 feet long and weigh almost 150 lbs. They have excellent eyesight that they use to catch prey. The cheetah is considered a vulnerable species.

    Mountain Lions

    • The term "mountain lion" refers to several kinds of cats, including cougars and pumas. Mountain lions can grow longer than 5 feet and weigh more than 130 lbs. They are endangered.


    • The lynx species lives in Asian, European and North American forests. It can grow to 4 feet long, including its tail, and its weight can reach 44 lbs. Lynxes hunt at night and have sharp hearing and eyesight.