How to Build a Bobcat Trap for Texas

Bobcats are found throughout North America, primarily in the United States, but also in some areas of Canada and Mexico. There are two conditions under which you'd want to catch a bobcat: you're being threatened or you live in a state where it is legal to snare bobcats. If, for example, a bobcat has become rabid it might prove a danger to yourself and your family. To catch a bobcat, you first need to learn the animal's behavior. Bobcats are primarily nocturnal, so they'll be most active at night or during the hour before sunset. Set your trap during the late morning or mid-afternoon. Building a bobcat trap in Texas is no different than building one anywhere else.


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      Find a bobcat den. They are typically found in rock cracks or near thorny thickets. Bobcats typically leave two-inch-wide paw prints. Bobcats have four toe prints and a paw pad that resemble the letter "M." Bobcats have retractable claws, so don't look for claw marks.

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      Look around for a strong anchor near the den. This anchor could be a heavy rock or fallen log. Use the anchor to hold down your snare cord.

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      Make a slip knot of eight inches in diameter in one end of the cord. Hang the snare two feet away from the den and one foot off the ground. If you can't hang your snare loop off a tree branch, break a branch with a "V" on one end off of the tree. Place the branch in the ground and hang the noose off of the "V." If a bobcat walks through your trap it will automatically snare him.

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      Tie the other end of the cord to your anchor. Check the trap regularly. You may have to kill the bobcat with a gun or another weapon or call animal control. Bobcats are too dangerous for you to handle.