Desert Animals That Live in Biomes

A biome is a group of animals and plants that live together in a specific geographical area. Of all the biomes on this planet, deserts are the most hostile. Typically, there is little vegetation and the temperatures can be quite harsh. Despite this, many animals have evolved to be able to survive in these conditions.
  1. Bobcats

    • Bobcats look much like domestic house cats, except they are much larger. They eat small mammals but are capable of killing animals as large as a deer.

    Desert Tortoise

    • Dessert tortoises spend up to 95% of their lives underground. They live off of any vegetation they can find.

    Thorny Devil

    • Thorny devils are lizards that are completely covered in cone shaped spines. Their skin color changes to blend in with their surroundings.

    Armadillo Lizard

    • These lizards are covered in spiny scales. When in danger, they roll up in a ball to protect themselves, much like an armadillo.


    • Javelinas are the only pigs that live in American deserts. They live off of plants, mushrooms, cacti and flowers.