How to Identify a Lynx

There are currently four species of known lynx throughout the world. The majority of which currently reside in North American and the Himalayas. They are a relatively small wildcat and it would be inadvisable to take these cats as pets given the danger such animals pose to yourself and others. The purpose of this guide is to explain how to identify a lynx should one be spotted in the wild.


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      Don't get too close.. If you see such an animal, think about your safety first and figuring out what it is second. Though reports of lynxes attacking human beings are rare, it still happens.

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      Look at the cat's size. Lynxes will range anywhere between 30 and 80 pounds depending on the particular breed or gender. The lynx can be up to three feet long and two feet high at the shoulder.

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      Look at the cat's shape. A lynx is stocky with a short neck, wide shoulders, and barrel-like body. Their legs stay roughly the same width all the way down to the paws, which are proportionally much larger than the average housecat would possess. The rear legs are slightly higher than the forelegs, making the cat seem arched and ready to pounce. Lynxes have rounded hind ends and short bobbed tails as well.

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      Look at the cat's coloring. Their fur color can range anywhere from light tan to grey, this can be either a flat color or mottled with darker spots.

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      Look at the cat's head. A lynx will have a narrow snout, wide jaw, and no apparent neck. A wide ruff of fur will spread out on the underside of the cat's jaw and throat, giving its head a squared look. The most telling characteristic a lynx has are the black tufts of fur that stick out from the tips of the cat's ears. If the cat in question matches these criteria then you're looking at a bobcat and it would be in your best interest to back away in the direction you came from.