Description of a Meerkat for Children

Meerkats are small mammals that are members of the mongoose family. They are native to the savannahs of southern Africa and live in large communal burrows. Wild meerkats live an average of ten years.
  1. Physical Description

    • Meerkats range in color from nearly white to orangish brown with dark masks around their eyes. As adults, they average a weight of 2 lbs. and a height of 12 inches. They have large claws on their front feet to help them dig.


    • Meekats spend most of their time searching for food, which they usually find by digging. They eat mostly crickets, worms, centipedes and ant larvae, as well as occasional birds, lizards, and eggs. Meerkats will drink water if there is a source of water near their burrow, but they are able to get all of the moisture they need from the food they eat.


    • Meerkats live in groups of up to 30 individuals in huge burrows that have dozens of entrances. Each family group maintains several dens and controls a territory of up to 3 square miles. Young meerkats can be born at any time of the year, and females that have not given birth take turns babysitting all of the young while the mothers look for food.


    • Meerkats spend a lot of energy protecting themselves from predators such as hawks, eagles and jackals. Several meerkats in each family group watch for predators at any given time and giving a warning bark if they see predators.