How to Care for Marine Clams

Marine clams, such as tridacna clams, make beautiful and interesting pets, and they can serve a benefit in your saltwater aquarium. Marine clams, because they are filter feeders, absorb organic material, ammonia and nitrates from the water, all of which can reduce an aquarium's water quality. It is important to keep your clams healthy and comfortable in their aquarium environment.

Things You'll Need

  • Halide aquarium lights
  • Aquarium water circulation pump
  • Aquarium calcium supplements
  • Aquarium thermometer
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      Install metal halide aquarium lights into your marine aquarium and make sure they are always turned on. Many species of marine clams generate energy through the process of photosynthesis as well as through filter feeding.

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      Install a water pump into the aquarium and set it to medium to high water flow. This will keep the aquarium water circulating and ensure that the clams have plenty of water to filter for food particles.

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      Purchase calcium reactors or daily calcium dosing for your aquarium from your local pet supply store. Read the instructions on the calcium supplements carefully in order to provide the correct amount for your clams. Calcium supplements allow clams to grow healthy, strong shells.

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      Maintain the temperature of your saltwater aquarium. Though proper temperature varies depending on the species of marine clam you keep, most species do well in temperatures ranging from 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Talk to a representative of your local pet store to determine what temperature is best for your species of marine clam.

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      Position your clam on a rock in an area of moderate water flow within your tank. Clams anchor themselves onto rocks and stay in the same position for their entire life, so it is important they are placed in an area of the tank where they can easily filter food. Most marine clams do best on a rock at the bottom of the aquarium.