How Do Anacondas Function in a Big Population?

Anacondas are South American snakes typically found in swamps and streams. They are considered one of the world's largest reptiles since some Anaconda's have been known to grow over 30 feet in length and weigh over 250 pounds. Anacondas typically live a solitary life and they hunt alone. Even though the are predominantly found in South America there have been discoveries of the snake within the United States. U.S. officials and researchers are concerned they could spread out and create many problems within ecosystems.
  1. Invasion

    • Officials at the United States Geological Survey and the Big Cypress National Reserve confirm yellow anacondas are living in Southern Florida. Though these snakes have been discovered in the swamp areas of Florida; USGS researchers state anacondas are tolerant of urban environments and can survive in many different kinds of habitats. They have the ability to produce many offspring and achieve high population density within a given area. Once their population size increases, these large sized snakes expand their hunting grounds.

    Entry Points

    • The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service monitors foreign species within various ecosystems inside of the United States. The agency's inspectors attempt to get exotic foreign species from getting into the country but in last 50 years several such species managed to get pass U.S. checkpoints through intentional and unintentional introductions. Reports do not confirm how the anaconda was introduced into Florida's ecosystem. Federal officials suspect some of the animals were brought to the U.S., bought by residents as exotic pets and intentionally released when they became too big, dangerous and expensive to handle.


    • One of the major problems that an anaconda poses to a particular ecosystem is their size and their diet. These reptiles have the ability to eat fairly large animals such as deer and they are capable of consuming many different types of aquatic, amphibious and land creatures that are found within the southern parts of the United States. Some species of anacondas typically eat about twice a year but others eat more often. Larger populations of anacondas within a particular region would cover more territory and have the ability to significantly reduce the number of other living creatures within an ecosystem.


    • Anacondas live on average 10 years and some are known to live well into their 30s. Their ability to consume so many creatures within their fairly long life cycle have some U.S. officials concerned about their impact on certain environments. Capturing and trying to eliminate these creatures is possible but it is difficult because of their unique characteristics which includes being nocturnal and spending a great deal of time being submerged within water.