Facts About Having a Hedgehog for a Pet

African pygmy hedgehogs are small, prickly rodents that use their quills as a defense mechanism if frightened. Hedgehogs belong in the exotic pets category and make low maintenance, quiet pets. They are a good choice for those prone to allergies since they lack dander. These creatures are easy to care for and love to eat a wide variety of foods.
  1. A Vast Menu

    • There's nothing boring about the hedgehog diet, which includes commercially-produced hedgehog food that meets basic daily nutritional needs and dry cat food. Fruits and vegetables from your garden are favored by these prickly pets, but too much apple can cause stomach upset. And don't forget treats: nothing is more appealing than crickets and meal worms.Your hedgie should be fed in the evenings with uneaten food removed in the morning. Avoid overfeeding to prevent obesity, which can cause health issues or a shortened life span.

    Hedgie Behavior

    • Hedgehogs are generally quiet pets, making only a sniffing sound when awake and roaming around. They love to check out everything. When frightened, they roll into a ball and all their quills stand on end. Hedgehogs scare off adversaries by hissing and jumping up to poke victims while making a popping sound. They have been known to bite when upset. Such behavior is commonly exhibited toward a new hedgehog owner until the animal becomes accustomed to the person and familiar with his scent. Nocturnal creatures, they sleep the majority of the day and roam and eat at night.

    Legality of Owning a Hedgehog

    • Some states prohibit keeping hedgehogs as pets and some require a permit. Hedgehogs are not allowed in California, Nebraska, Hawaii and Georgia. These states have strict laws that prohibit keeping certain exotic animals as pets. Arizona, Maine, New Jersey and Wyoming require permits to legally own a hedgehog. Look into your state's laws before purchasing.

    Living Quarters

    • Hedgehogs must have lots of space. An aquarium will do as long as it is at least 2 feet by 3 feet in size. A wire cage, such as one used for chinchillas or ferrets, is easy to clean and works well, but the bar spacing must be 1 inch or less; hedgehogs can squeeze through small areas. Odor absorbent pet bedding works well to control odor from the hedgehog's urine and droppings. They can, however, be litter trained. Hedgehogs enjoy hiding under something during the day to sleep; a pet hut or towel works well. An exercise wheel can also serve as entertainment for your prickly little pet.

    Size and Life Span

    • Hedgehogs are small animals -- about 5 to 8 inches long. Their weight can range from a half-pound to a little over a pound. Some larger hedgehogs may even weigh closer to 2 pounds. They normally live from four to seven years.