How to Breed Flying Dragon Lizards

The flying lizard, or dragon, seems like a mystical creature of the rainforest. Able to use flaps of skin between their legs to fly, the lizards are a favorite among exotic pet owners. However, as they are difficult to come by and expensive to purchase, many individuals who own them attempt to breed the reptiles to gain more. This is done with the right animals as well as the correct conditions to induce breeding.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 male adult dragon
  • 1 female adult dragon
  • Breeding container
  • Soil
  • Regular cage
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    • 1

      Bring the breeding animals in to the vet and have them checked over for any diseases or deficiencies that can harm their breeding partner or eggs.

    • 2

      Fill the breeding tank with 6 inches to 8 inches of soil. The female will dig down and lay her eggs in them when fertilized. Place several climbing plants and rocks in the area.

    • 3

      Turn the temperature of the breeding enclosure, or place it in a room, at 77 degrees Fahrenheit to 88 degrees Fahrenheit. Insert a heat lamp in to one area and ensure it is 105 degrees Fahrenheit.

    • 4

      Watch for the mating act. Allow the male and female to cohabitate in the cage for one week before removing the male.

    • 5

      Allow the female to lay her eggs -- between four to six weeks after copulation. Remove her after one week and allow the eggs to hatch on their own.