How to Care for Hairless Mice

Hairless mice are mice who are missing the gene that produces fur. The mice are rumored to be prone to more diseases, but hairless mice owners claim their mouse is no more prone to problems than their furry relatives. Caring for a hairless mouse requires basic mouse knowledge with just a little extra bedding and food for warmth.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium or cage
  • Bedding
  • Water bottle
  • Food
  • Climber
  • Chew toys or cardboard
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      Prepare an aquarium or cage for the animal. The bottom of the cage will need 2 inches of standard mouse bedding as well as food common for all mice. A water bottle will need to be provided for the most basic mouse care.

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      Provide extra food for a hairless mouse and extra wintertime bedding. The hairless mouse eats more than the furry variety and has nothing to keep it warm in the winter. Just like humans need extra clothing, so does the hairless mouse need extra winter bedding.

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      Create a climbing habitat to keep your mouse interested and physically fit. The mouse, who is a natural climber, will play on the toy and remain happy. Mice also chew, so do not provide a wood or cardboard climber.

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      Provide disposable cardboard tubes and pieces to the mouse. Rodents need to chew to wear down their teeth, which grow like human fingernails. The mouse will be equally happy with store-bought chew toys or leftover toilet paper rolls.

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      Feed the mouse with a mixture of 80 percent pet store dry mouse food and 20 percent fruits and vegetables such as kale, broccoli, bananas and grapes.