Species of Beaked Whale

The beaked whale family, known as ziphiidae, has 19 different species spread between six scientific genera. It is a family of medium-sized whales that have distinctive elongated beaks, much like dolphins. Other common features include small flippers and a dorsal fin found close to the tail, as opposed to being more central, as it is in most whales.
  1. Beaked Whales

    • Most of the world's beaked whales belong to the genus mesoplodon, which in Greek means "middle tool" or "weapon." Of the 19 beaked whale species, 11 belong to this genus including the smallest variety, the pygmy beaked whale, which grows to just 10 or 12 feet long. Some other beaked whales are as large at birth as an adult pygmy beaked whale. The other species are Sowerby's, Andrew's, Hubb's, Blainville's, Gervais, Gingko Toothed, Gray's, Hectors, Strap-toothed, True's and Stejneger's beaked whales.

    Giant Beaked Whales

    • The two species of giant beaked whales belong to the genus berardius and are the largest of all beaked whales. Arnoux's beaked whale is the smallest of the two, growing to just 30 feet in length. Baird's beaked whale grows much larger, to around 40 feet in length and up to 12 tons.

    Bottle-nosed Whales

    • The bottle-nosed whales belong to the genus hyperoodon and have a distinct long, thin snout and large rounded forehead. Their foreheads, like in sperm whales, are full of a thick, oily liquid call spermaceti. Both species in this genus are similar in size and appearance, but differ in range. The northern bottle-nose lives in the north Atlantic, while the southern bottle-nose lives in the South Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.

    Longmans Beaked Whale

    • Longmans beaked whale is the only member of its genus Indopacetus. It is a large beaked whale which grows to 30 feet in length. Its head is smaller than most beaked whales and its body is more slender than most, making it look more dolphin-like.

    Cuviers Beaked Whale

    • Cuviers beaked whale is also the sole member of its genus, Ziphius. It is a large-bodied species which grows to 20 feet in length and up to 5 tons in weight. It lives throughout the globe's tropical warm oceans.

    Shepherds Beaked Whale

    • Shepherds beaked whale belongs to the genus tasmacetus and is its only member. It is a large species that grows between 18 to 21 feet in length. The species tends to be found in warm tropical waters of the southern hemisphere.