How to Feed & Touch Dolphins

Many aquariums and amusement parks provide visitors with the opportunity to touch and feed dolphins. If you are selected to participate in this activity, follow the instructions of the trainers carefully. Not only will you be able to feed and touch the dolphins in the water, they may even jump up on the side of the pool, allowing you to pet and interact with them. Do not attempt to feed or touch dolphins in the wild, as they have not been trained to respond to human contact.

Things You'll Need

  • Waterproof clothing
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      Wash your hands. Scented lotions or other chemicals may deter dolphins from approaching you, since these animals are very sensitive to smell.

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      Remove dangling accessories before approaching the edge of the dolphin pool. Dolphins may confuse objects such as jewelry, cameras or loose scarves with food and snatch them.

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      Wear only waterproof gear or clothing that will not be ruined if it gets wet. You will be standing near the dolphins' pool and they will likely splash you.

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      Obtain a fish from the trainer. Crouch by the edge of the pool, grip the fish by the tail and hold it out over the water, keeping your arm still. A dolphin should swim right up to the edge of the pool and put its head out of the water.

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      Bend over so you are closer to the level of the dolphin. Stroke it under the jaw. This will cause the dolphin to open its mouth. While the dolphin's mouth is open and waiting for food, gently stroke its sides.

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      Drop the fish into the mouth of the dolphin after touching it. Most trained dolphins see feeding as a reward for a successful interaction with trainers and visitors.