How to Care for a Red Claw Scorpion

With fossils over 400 million years old, scorpions are some of the oldest creatures on our planet. These fascinating creatures make interesting pets, and the Red Claw Scorpion is among one of the most popular species kept by hobbyists. Found mainly in the tropical rainforests of Tanzania, this species is fairly aggressive and is not recommended for first-time scorpion owners. Those interested in keeping Red Claw Scorpions should be sure to follow the proper steps in order to provide adequate care.

Things You'll Need

  • Large vivarium or aquarium (minimum 10 gallons)
  • Peat-free compost
  • Orchid wood chips
  • Spray bottle
  • Hollow log, rock or aquarium cave
  • Heating mat
  • Shallow dish
  • Hygrometer
  • Live crickets, locusts, butter worms, meal worms or cockroaches
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      Purchase a vivarium or aquarium that has a volume of at least 10 gallons. Fill the bottom of the vivarium/aquarium with 6 to 7 centimeters of peat-free compost. Cover the layer of compost with orchid bark chippings. This layer must be lightly sprayed with water on a daily basis to keep it moist. Replace if mold or fungus starts to form.

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      Place a shelter, such as a hollow log, rock or aquarium cave, in your tank. These can be purchased at most pet stores.

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      Place a heating mat under 1/3 of the tank. Red Claw Scorpions require a temperature range between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Heating mats can be purchased at pet stores that sell equipment for reptilian pets.

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      Place a large, shallow dish of clean water in the enclosure.

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      Buy a hygrometer, which will measure relative humidity in the enclosure. Red Claw Scorpions require between 75 and 80% relative humidity. Mist the enclosure regularly and keep the water dish full to keep humidity constant.

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      Feed your Red Claw Scorpion live crickets, locusts, butter worms, meal worms or cockroaches three times a month.