How to Get Rid of Bugs on My Quaker Parrot

A Quaker parrot that lives outside or comes into contact with other birds might be prone to bugs or lice. Poultry living in barns or sparrows and pigeons can transfer different types of lice to Quaker parrots. Fruit flies and flour moths might also roost inside the parrot's cage and latch onto the feathers of the bird. Therefore, it is important to clean the cage and use a safe insecticide to get rid of the bugs.

Things You'll Need

  • Bird-safe insecticide
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      Source a bird-safe insecticide from a pet store or through a vet. Camicide or Control Aviary Bug Spray, for example, contain pyrethrins which are safe for use with birds. They are natural compounds derived from chrysanthemum plants. Quaker parrots should not be exposed to synthetic chemicals as they might harm their health.

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      Remove the Quaker parrot from the cage, while you clean it. Get rid of old food, wash the water bottle with hot water and sweep out all the debris in the bottom of the cage. Then, scrub the cage so it is as clean as you can make it. A dirty, unhygenic space is an ideal breeding ground for bugs, so cleanse the area.

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      Read the instructions on the reverse of the insecticide spray. Make sure you only spray as often as recommended. Use Camicide once every three months, for example. Spray inside the cage and around the area where the parrot perches.

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      Hold the parrot and groom in between its feathers. Manually remove any fruit flies, lice or other bugs you can see on its body. Then, put it back into the cage.