How to Have a Bunny Rabbit in an Apartment

If you're thinking about getting a pet, you don't have to be confined to traditional pets such as cats and dogs. Rabbits make good house pets as they are generally clean, quiet, often independent and affectionate. Rabbits are best for households without small children, as they require proper handling. If you'd like to bring a bunny into your apartment, you need to do a few things to ensure that it makes a smooth transition into your life.

Things You'll Need

  • Cage
  • Water bottle
  • Food dish
  • Food pellets
  • Hay
  • Chew toys
  • Litter box
  • Dust-free litter
  • Litter scoop
  • Rabbit-proof room
  • Outdoor fenced-in play area
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      Place the cage for the bunny on a stable surface in an area of the apartment that is quiet but not isolated. The cage should be at your eye level.

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      Attach a water bottle to the cage. Fill it with fresh water daily. Insert a small bowl. Fill it with 1/4 cup pellets daily. Give your rabbit a daily supply of hay, as this will make up the majority of its diet.

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      Put chew toys in the cage, as chewing is a natural inclination for bunnies.

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      Place a litter box in the cage. Fill it with dust-free litter. Encourage your bunny every time it uses the litter box: Give the bunny a pat, gentle praise and a treat such as a piece of a fresh vegetable. Clean the litter box every day so your apartment won't smell.

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      Bunny-proof a room of your apartment by removing all items that the bunny might want to chew, such as cords, drapes and books. Take the bunny into the safe room daily for exercise.

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      Take the rabbit outdoors occasionally and place it in a fenced play area in a park or field where it can explore away from predators, such as dogs.