How to Breed Gray Squirrels

Breeding gray squirrels can be done without much effort. The females only breed twice a year, so planning resolves around the female as male gray squirrels can mate anytime. It is important to make sure the female is comfortable in her environment and has interacted with squirrels to increase the success rate. With a few tips and nature's process you will have baby gray squirrels in little time as the gestation period for this type of squirrel is only six weeks.

Things You'll Need

  • One male gray squirrel
  • One female gray squirrel
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    • 1

      Choose one female gray squirrel and one or more male gray squirrels. Introduce them before the female is in heat to increase chances of success.

    • 2

      Introduce, or if previously introduced, combine the female and male in the same area once the female goes into heat. The female will mate twice a year. Once in January and February and once in June and July. When she is ready to mate she will climb to a high point and make a duck-like call.

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      Remove the male once they have mated. Put the male in separate area because in nature the males have no influence in the upbringing of the offspring.

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      Build a high platform for the female to build her nest. In the wild they prefer the highest points, so try and find a location that is elevated. The higher the better as she will feel more comfortable during gestation.

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      Provide the female with soft natural materials such as grass, hey and soft wood. She will use these materials to build her nest.

    • 6

      Continue to feed her the same diet as before. In the wild squirrles usually eat nuts, tree bark, fungi, leaves and types of flowers but food sold in pet stores for rodents will suffice.

    • 7

      Keep the young with the mother until 8 weeks.