How to Feed Orphaned Moose Calves

In areas populated by moose, such as Alaska, adult moose can be killed by hunting, disease, or being struck by cars. If their mothers are killed or die due to disease, moose calves are left to fend for themselves. Without their mothers' milk, they can starve to death. However, people can intervene and hand-feed orphaned moose through the use of large bottles and specialized formula.

Things You'll Need

  • Large milking bottle
  • Land-O-Lakes lamb milk replacer supplement
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      Go to your local feed store to see if they stock Land-O-Lakes lamb milk replacer supplement. You may have to check several stores or have a store special order the formula if they do not carry it.

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      Following the directions on the Land-O-Lakes lamb milk replacer package carefully, adding water to the powdered formula.

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      Fill a large bottle with the formula. The amount of formula needed depends on the size and weight of the calf in question. Contact your local large animal veterinarian to check the animal and recommend an amount of daily formula.

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      Sooth the calf by stroking its head gently before offering it the bottle. Because moose calves are not used to drinking from bottles, it may take a while before the calf understands what to do. Be patient and continue to offer the bottle until the calf latches on.

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      Hold the bottle slanted downward toward the calf as it drinks. Grasp the bottle firmly in your hands as the calf may pull with its mouth as it suckles.