Facts of the Saltwater Crocodile

Between 200,000 and 300,000 saltwater crocodiles populate the earth as of 2011. Despite their name, these creatures can live in both salt water and fresh water environments. Also known as estuarine crocodiles and scientifically as Crocodylus porosus, the saltwater crocodile is the largest living crocodilian on the planet. They have also acquired a reputation as being man-eaters.
  1. Physical Description

    • The average male saltwater crocodiles grows to be 17 feet long, weighing 1,000 lbs. However, it is not rare for these crocodiles to reach a length of 23 feet and weight of 2,200 lbs. Females usually grow to 10 feet in length. The large heads of saltwater crocodiles are equipped with very strong jaws. Tan or yellow marks spot their dark-colored, scaled bodies while their underbelly remains a pale white color. Immature saltwater crocodiles display black stripes and spots on their pale yellow body and tail.


    • Saltwater crocodiles live along the salty coastal waters between northern Australia and the southern coast of India. They also inhabit freshwater rivers and swamps of eastern India, southeast Asia and northern Australia. Accomplished swimmers, these crocodiles are known to swim thousands of miles. The barnacles discovered on some crocodiles' scales indicate that they might spend significant time out at sea.


    • Carnivores, saltwater crocodiles feed on any animals they can catch. This includes water buffaloes, monkeys, wild boar, snakes, domestic cattle and sharks. They also eat humans. Young crocodiles feast on small animals, insects, shellfish and fish. Saltwater crocodiles catch their prey by lying in wait near the water's edge, just below the surface. When an animal drinks from the water, the crocodile uses its tail to lunge its body out of the water, bites the animal with its strong jaws and pulls it back under the water until the prey drowns.


    • Saltwater crocodiles only breed in freshwater areas and need land to lay their eggs. After fertilization, the female crocodile creates a mound-like nest out of plant matter and lays between 40 and 60 eggs in the nest. She guards the nest from predators until the eggs hatch. She then transports the hatchlings to the water in her mouth.


    • While crocodiles spend most of their time basking on land and floating in the water in order to maintain their body temperatures, they do live in groups. The organization of these groups is loosely established with the strongest male ruling the territory. When another crocodile challenges another crocodile for a better territory, the two creatures face off using their posture and vocalizations to declare their superiority. They do not determine dominance through violence with one another.