Sunburst Fire Crayfish
Like these shrimp, the crayfish has red highlights on its shell. A Cherax crayfish, this species is known for being somewhat peaceful towards fish. However, it may still catch slow-moving species. It is a larger crayfish, requiring a tank of at least 40 gallons. They may be very aggressive towards their own, so they require plenty of hiding places if there are more than one in the same tank. Their bodies are the standard gray, with warm red highlight.
Blue Lobster
Blue lobster crayfish are about this shade of blue, called "cobalt." Blue lobsters are actually a kind of crayfish, not a lobster. They are a blue strain of a larger, 7 to 8-inch species. This striking blue is a natural mutation, fixed through selective breeding. However, they can temporarily lose their blue coloring when stressed, reverting to a brown shade. This often happens during shipping. They will rapidly regain their blue color once they feel safe.
White Ghost Lobster
This crayfish's body is mostly pearl-white. Another Cherax crayfish, these are more tolerant toward their own than the sunburst fire breed. They are a larger species, requiring at least 50 gallons per crayfish. Their bodies have a pearly white coloration, with a bit of reddish on the tail. These crayfish enjoy burrowing, and a finer sand is recommended for them. As with the sunburst fire crayfish, they are usually too slow to catch most fish, but they might get lucky every now and then.
Black Scorpion
Some crayfish resemble large black scorpions. The black scorpion crayfish is a striking jet black. They are somewhat territorial ,and it is recommended that they are kept in a tank of at least 40 gallons per crayfish. Once they establish territories, they tend to be relatively peaceful towards their own kind. They are scavengers, but it is a good idea to supplement their food with crayfish pellets, available at most pet shops. They really do resemble large black scorpions.
The Types of Pet Crayfish
Crayfish, also known as crawdads, crawfish and crawdaddies, or "freshwater lobsters" are sometimes kept as pets. Their care is more or less the same across the different species and strains available. Avoid keeping them with other animals like fish, as the crayfish will either eat the fish or vice versa. Provide adequate hiding places, but no live plants as the crayfish will eat them. Pet stores sell food specifically for them. And never release a crayfish into the wild, as they can become invasive.