Hold the infant panda gently to burp it after a bottle formula feeding. Baby pandas are fragile and should be handled with a tender and sensitive grasp. Softly grasp the panda's body, your fingers carefully clasping his chest. This position will help to keep it secure and safe.
Firmly rub the panda's back and sides in a gentle, rhythmic, up-and-down motion with your fingers. Alternate this technique with palpable but careful patting of the sides and back. Continue to rub and pat the young panda's body until you can feel and hear a burp release. This is a method used to care for other young mammals, such as puppies; it may be effective for young pandas as well. Again, sensitivity and great care should be used, so as not to injure the infant, but firmness is also necessary in order to sufficiently stimulate the removal of gas.
Lift the panda up to your shoulder and hold it there. Gently pat its back until you notice a burp surface. Repeat this process, also used with kittens, after every meal. Check with the animal's veterinarian about the safety of using anti-colic drops; the supplement could help minimize the need to burp and also help prevent colic and bloat.
How to Burp a Baby Panda
Pandas, a beloved and rare species, are frequently raised in captivity. Young panda mothers not yet skilled in the art of rearing a cub may not demonstrate every behavior necessary for its care; proper feeding and burping skills could be among their deficiencies. Zoo experts in the position to step in and offer care to a baby panda should have an understanding of the burping techniques used for other young mammals, such as puppies and kittens.