The Stages of a Butterfly After a Caterpillar

If caterpillars were like most creatures, they'd emerge from their eggs, reproduce and their life cycle would be complete. However, these creatures are merely in the second stage of their life and will transform two more times before their life cycle is at an end. The caterpillar will spin itself into a pupa before transforming into a butterfly. It is in the butterfly stage that reproduction happens and eggs are laid to start the cycle over again.
  1. Complete Metamorphosis

    • Butterflies, along with similar creatures such as moths, beetles, flies and bees, undergo a process called complete metamorphosis. Unlike animals that engage in a partial metamorphosis, the adult creature looks very different from the young creature. Often it also eats different foods and may have a different way of moving. The word metamorphosis comes from the Greek word that means to transform or change shape.

    Pupa or Chysalis

    • The pupa stage is also known as the transition stage. The creature is dormant and unmoving in this stage as its cells are undergoing the transformation that turns it from a caterpillar into a butterfly. Depending on the species of butterfly, the pupa hangs from a tree branch, attaches to a leaf or is buried underground. The caterpillars cells accelerate its growth so that it can grow the wings and legs of a butterfly. The length of time this process takes varies by species, but can last from a few weeks to two years.


    • Once the caterpillar (or larva) has fully changed into a butterfly, the butterfly molts the pupa and emerges in its new form. The pupa becomes almost transparent before this happens and it splits open. The butterfly starts out rather limp with the wings looking almost withered. However, as blood pumps into the wings, they unfurl and begin to stiffen. It typically takes about an hour for the wings to settle, and the butterfly is then able to fly. It is during this stage that the butterfly mates and lays eggs.

    Life Span

    • Most butterflies don't live very long once they emerge from the pupa. Most species last about two to three weeks in this stage. The entire life cycle, however, is much longer. Most butterflies have an entire life cycle that lasts between two to eight months. However, some actually hibernate during the winter and the entire life cycle can last for years.