Examine your dragon fish's chin. Females have a growth on their chins known as a chin barbell. Males lack this physical characteristic.
Inspect the dragon fish teeth. Dragon fish teeth are sharp and used to tear apart small sea creatures. The female dragon fish's teeth are sharper and longer than the male's. The jawbone of the female also opens wider than the male's jawbone.
Study the size of your dragon fish's eyes. Female dragon fish have smaller eyes than males.
Observe your dragon fish during mating, if you have more than one. The male will scoop up the eggs into his mouth once the female has laid them. If your dragon fish is carrying these eggs in its mouth, then you have a male. Males also swim along the top of laid eggs to fertilize. Look for a milky discharge from your dragon fish to determine this.
How Can I Tell What Gender My Dragonfish Is?
Dragon fish, also known as Arowana, are a species of fish native to South Asia. They are so named because of their uncanny resemblance to the dragons of myth. Dragon fish are very rare in other parts of the world but have been successfully bred and studied in Europe. Determining the gender of your dragon fish requires a watchful eye because there are no external sex organs.