How to Care for a Long-Toed Salamander As a Pet

Long-toed salamanders spend most of their daytimes in the wild underground. They usually grow to 3 to 4 inches in length. They have a dark grayish-green color that can also appear black, a yellowish green stripe that runs along the length of their backs, and very light blue speckles. Although long-toed salamanders are sold as pets, they are wild animals that in most cases should not be confined to a cage. If you do decide to keep one as a pet, be extremely careful how you care for it. Every step of the way, consult with a veterinarian who works with exotic animals.


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      Talk to a veterinarian who cares for exotic pets such as salamanders. Your vet can guide you as you learn to care for your long-toed salamander, and she can check for any signs of health problems at regular checkups.

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      Look out for common health problems in your long-toed salamander. If you see any, take it immediately to the vet. Skin infections or swelling, wounds, bleeding or ulcers, as well as lack of movement, eating or drinking, are all signs that you should take your long-toed salamander to the vet.

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      Keep one area of the aqua-terrarium dry and one wet and humid. The environment should contain both a water basin and a dry land area, covered with coarse aquarium sand or gravel approved for salamanders. Mist the wet, humid area each day to keep it moist.

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      Add things to the environment to keep your salamander content, such as pieces of bark and low plants such as ferns or moss. Be sure to give your long-toed salamander places to hide within its environment.

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      Put a fluorescent tube light over the aquarium. Keep the light on eight hours a day during the wintertime, and 14 hours the rest of the year. Keep the aqua-terrarium out of direct sunlight.

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      Feed your long-toed salamander insects and earthworms from the pet store. Salamanders eat a live diet. Be sure the food you offer is small enough that your salamander can easily catch and eat it. Consult with your vet if you're not sure.