How to Clean an Elephant Cage

Cleaning an elephant enclosure daily reduces the likelihood of disease spreading. The cleaner should use hot water and disinfectant, or chlorine bleach mixed 1:32 with water, and wash all the surfaces from floor to ceiling. Any area that stays contaminated allows the multiplication of bacteria. The elephant should remain in a different area while the cleaning of their enclosure takes places to avoid exposure to cleaning substances, and should not return until the cage is completely dry.

Things You'll Need

  • Separate enclosure
  • Scrubbing brush
  • Detergent or disinfectant
  • High-pressure sprayer or steam-cleaning machine
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    • 1

      Move the elephant to a different holding area and remove all objects, such as food and water containers, from the cage.

    • 2

      Clear the enclosure of feces and other solid waste. Don't wash solid waste into the drains, as this will cause blockage. Rinse urine away with a hose.

    • 3

      Scrub surfaces with a long-handled stiff-bristled brush and detergent or disinfectant. Leave the solution on the surfaces for the recommended length of time, specific to the product (usually about 20 minutes). Wash the floor, walls, gate and other surfaces.

    • 4

      Rinse the cage with hot water from a high-pressure sprayer or steam-cleaning machine.

    • 5

      Dry the enclosure thoroughly, ventilating it if possible, before the elephant returns.

    • 6

      Disinfect the food dishes, water bowls and other objects before returning them to the cage.

    • 7

      Bring the elephant back to the enclosure and clean the holding area.