Great Swimmers
Because penguins are such fast swimmers, traveling up to 15 mph underwater, they can leap out of the water and into the air. But they can't fly. When they do leap from the water, it's usually to get a breath because penguins can't breathe under water. Penguins can also leap from the water to get back onto ice or dry land.
Temperature Facts
Penguins are warm-blooded, just like people. Their regular body temperature is about 100 degrees. To stay warm in the cold water, penguins have a layer of fat. They also have a layer of feathers, called down, which is covered by overlapping outer feathers that help keep them dry in the water; these feathers are covered with oil for protection. Penguins spread oil from glands that are under their wings onto the feathers. The oil keeps water from penetrating the feathers and reaching the penguin's skin. While out of the water, penguins often will huddle together for warmth.
Penguins eat fish. They also eat krill and squid when they are available. Penguins have no teeth, but they do have a small hook at the end of their beak that helps grab fish under the water. Their tongue has small hooks called barbs. These barbs help force food down their throats and into their stomachs. Because penguins don't live in fresh water, they drink saltwater. Their bodies filter out the salt, making the ocean water safe for them to drink.
Predators and Natural Enemies
Penguins are black and white. Penguins are prey for a variety of sea animals. Leopard seals are one of the primary predators for penguins. Seals and sea lions both hunt penguins in the water. Some birds also hunt penguins for food. But penguins are naturally camouflaged. Their black and white bodies help hide them from predators on the ice and in the water.
About Penguins for First Graders
Penguins are birds with black and white feathers. They live in a variety of climates, including very cold climates such as the Antarctic, and warmer places such as South Africa. Penguins are found only in the southern hemisphere. Penguins do not fly, but are strong swimmers. Their bodies are shaped like a torpedo, which helps them glide through the water. Penguins spend as much as 75 percent of their time underwater, where they search for food. Penguins have many qualities that make them special among the bird world.