How to Take Care of Pet Doves

Consider the decision to get a pet dove very carefully. Doves are not easy to care for and are extremely delicate. Talk the decision over with a veterinarian who accepts birds as patients and learn all you can about caring for doves before you bring one home. If at any time you no longer want your pet dove, work with your vet to find it a new home. Released doves will be hunted and killed by predators and can die from even mild weather conditions.


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      Prepare the perches in your dove's cage. Doves need lots of perches. Have one flat perch that 2 1/2-inches thick. Add a cloth rope perch that is between 1/2 inch and 3/4 inch in diameter and several wooden perches at different heights in the cage. Put in round perches, which will help the dove exercise its feet.

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      Set up an ionizer and air filtration unit with a HEPA filter near the dove cage if you're planning to house the dove indoors. These units will collect the fine dust that doves give off, which can irritate your lungs if left uncollected.

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      Keep a new dove in a quiet room with food and water for three weeks. Do not handle the dove and be extra quiet when you're near or inside the room. Doves can get stressed easily, especially when in a new environment.

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      Feed your dove a dove mix from your pet store or one that is recommended by your veterinarian. Dove mix generally consists of seeds. You can also feed a dove chopped fruits and vegetables and millet in separate dishes. Always allow the doves access to fresh water in a light colored dish. Keep the water shallow and change daily.

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      Start to handle the dove only after you have waited three weeks. In the meantime, you can be around the dove and pet it gently. Only pick up the dove with two hands, not one, because doves are surprisingly strong birds.

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      Regulate the temperature of the area where your dove is housed. The temperature must between 65 and 75 degrees F at all times. Otherwise, the doves can easily freeze to death or die from the heat.

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      Clean the bottom of the dove cage often. The bottom should be lined with special paper for birds from a pet supply store to catch the droppings. Remove soiled paper and replace with fresh paper. Wipe out the bottom of the cage if necessary with water and a cloth.