Threatened & Endangered Species in Massachusetts

Massachusetts is a relatively small state, yet it still has vast areas of natural habitat that support numerous plant and animal species. It is home to 31 endangered animal species, with a further 15 listed as threatened. These species have often been impacted by environmental and habitat changes, and in some cases hunting has depleted numbers.
  1. Birds and Mammals

    • Massachusetts is home to 12 endangered bird species and a further six that are threatened. Among the endangered species are the Bald Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, American Bittern, Upland Sand Piper and Short-Eared Owl. The state's threatened species include the Long-Eared Owl, King Rail, Northern Harrier and Vesper Sparrow. Only one of the state's land mammals is currently endangered, the Indiana Myotis Bat, which due to flooding of cave roosts and human interference has seen serious population decline.


    • The state is home to four endangered fish species, two of which live mostly in the ocean but use the waterways of Massachusetts to spawn. The Shortnose and Atlantic Sturgeons both spawn in the state's rivers and are impacted by the damming of these waterways. The other two endangered fish are the Lake Chub and the Red-Belly Dace, both of which are impacted by pollution and the redirection of streams for farming. The American Brook Lamprey and Threespine Stickleback are both considered threatened in the state.

    Reptiles and Amphibians

    • In Massachusetts, two turtle species are endangered: the Bog and the Northern Red-Bellied Cooter. Blanding's Turtle and the Diamond-Backed Terrapin are both listed as threatened. Three of the state's snake species are endangered, two of which are venomous. The Copperhead and the Timber Rattlesnake are endangered, as is the non-venomous Eastern Ratsnake. The Eastern Wormsnake is listed as threatened in the state. Most of Massachusetts' amphibian species are secure except for the Marbled Salamander and the Eastern Spadefoot Toad, which are both considered threatened.

    Oceanic Species

    • Although not year-round residents, nine oceanic species are protected by law in the state and are listed as endangered. Six species of whale that migrate through the state's coastal waters are protected: the Sperm, Fin, Sei, Blue, Humpback and Northern Right Whales. Three species of sea turtle are also protected under state law. They are the Hawksbill, Kemp's Ridley and Leatherback Turtles. The Loggerhead and Green Sea Turtles are considered threatened in the state's coastal waters.