Things You'll Need
- Gloves
- Bedding
- Newspaper
- Fresh food
- Vinegar
- Water
- Spray bottle
- Scrub brush
Remove any wet or soiled bedding daily. Rabbits urinate and defaecate in the same spot each time. This is what makes them easy to litter train. This area quickly becomes saturated. Wear gloves, pick up the bedding and put it in a bag.
Place fresh newspaper on the bottom of the hutch and replace the old bedding with new bedding.
Rinse the water bottle twice a day to prevent it from becoming stagnate. Refill it with cool, fresh water.
Remove any old food and replace it with fresh food. Rabbit pellets, fruit and vegetables do not last long once exposed to the air. Fresh food is better for the rabbits and prevents flies and other pests from finding it.
Clean out all the bedding once a week. The bedding will get trampled and stray urine and feces will find it's way into the rest of the bedding. Put the rabbits in a safe place like a spare hutch, wear gloves and pick up all the bedding. Remove the newspapers at the bottom of the hutch and replace them. Add fresh bedding.
Wash the hutch monthly with a solution of two parts water and one part vinegar. Remove the rabbits, all the bedding and accessories and spray the solution on the hutch. Use a scrub brush to wash all surfaces. Rinse it and allow it to dry thoroughly before replacing the bedding. Vinegar will help break down any buildup and remove odors without creating fumes that are hard on rabbits' noses.