How to Know If Your Female Sugar Glider Is Ready to Mate?

Sugar gliders are marsupials that raise their young in pouches. It's not always easy to figure out when a female is ready to mate, but if you keep an intact male and female together, mating will happen eventually. In the wild, sugar gliders breed in the spring, but in captivity they can mate at any time of the year. The female glider will have one to four babies, which are born approximately 16 days after mating.


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      Watch the female's behavior. When she is in heat, she may be more agitated and excitable.

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      Listen for the female's call. Instead of a normal bark, she gives a call that is halfway between a hiss and a bark.

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      Watch the behavior of the male sugar glider. If you have an intact male in the same cage, he will begin to follow the female around, climb on top of her, and lick her vent. This behavior is a signal that mating will occur within 24 hours.