Extinction Prevention

Many different species are in danger of becoming extinct forever if preventative measures are not taken. While endangered and threatened animal species are often the first that come to mind, many birds and plants are also in trouble. Polar bears, whales, parrots and dragon trees represent just a fraction of the species that could be lost without proper prevention. Many organizations are taking steps to prevent extinction but anyone can step up and help.
  1. Donations and Visits

    • Be sure to make visits to your local zoos and wildlife areas. The money you pay for entrance goes to support the upkeep and growth of such establishments to give animals in danger a place to exist naturally. Donate money to organizations that seek to support the protection of nature and species in danger of going extinct. Every little bit helps to keep natural wildlife alive and well.

    Recycling and Environmental Consciousness

    • Make sure to recycle as much as you can to prevent waste, as plenty of materials come from the habitats of animals that are in danger or could find themselves in danger soon. Do not litter or pollute. Animals can ingest harmful products and chemicals or get stuck in trash with no way out. Garbage that ends up in the ocean can clog the gills of fish and give them diseases.

    Driving and Appliances

    • When picking out a car, look for models that get good gas mileage and have low emissions. Similarly, make sure all of your appliances are Energy Star certified and that stoves and similar appliances have as little emissions as possible. Taking these steps will reduce the pollution sent into the air that could potentially damage animal, bird and plant species. Be careful when you drive, as animals could always run out into the road leaving themselves susceptible to an accident.

    Housing and Activity

    • When you pick out a home, try not to get a place that disrupts a natural environment and the life already formed there. Do not cut down trees. If you see anyone littering or performing action that is harmful to the environment, report it to the authorities. If you know of anyone poaching or killing animals illegally, report them. Do not buy clothing products made from animals in trouble. Do not support hunting for sport.