How to Grow My Earthworms Bigger for Fish Bait

If you have a worm farm and want fatter worms for bait, the best thing to do is adjust their diet. By substituting traditional table scraps with a grain-based mixture, you can plump up earthworms in time for trout season.

Things You'll Need

  • Egg shells
  • Oatmeal
  • Corn Meal
  • Blender
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    • 1

      Create a mixture of oatmeal, cornmeal and eggshells to feed your worms. recommends a dozen egg shells, two cups of oatmeal, and one cup of cornmeal per feed mixture.

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      Put your feed mixture into a blender and mix together.

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      Spread the feed over the top layer of the worm bed. Be careful not to overfeed the worms, and don't mix the food in with the bedding. Provide enough food for a day or two at a time. When the worms eat all of the mixture, add another batch to the worm bin.