Difference Between Alligators & Crocs

Crocodiles and alligators belong to the Crocodylia order. At a glance, they appear similar and are commonly mistaken for each other; however, a closer look reveals several distinct differences between the species.
  1. Habitats

    • Crocodiles prefer salt water environments; a special gland on their tongue aids in filtering out the salt. They make their homes in Africa, Australia, Southeast Asia, North America, South America and Central America.

      Alligators usually inhabit fresh water environments, because their tongue glands aren't as useful when it comes to filtering salt. They are mostly found in eastern China and the southern United States.

    Physical Characteristics

    • Crocodiles have lengthy, narrow snouts and their fourth tooth is visible even when their mouths are closed.

      Alligators, on the other hand, have wider snouts and jawlines. Their fourth tooth is concealed. The color of their hides are also darker than those of crocodiles.

    Size and Speed

    • Both species can grow quite large, most averaging 15 feet long and 1,000 pounds; however, crocodiles move faster than alligators on land and, in general, are more active.