How to Raise a Snapping Turtle From a Baby

The snapping turtle---Chelydra serpentina---egg takes 60 to 80 days to hatch in captivity within an incubator. A cute, baby turtle grows into a large, aggressive turtle that is often fearless. An adult snapping turtle measures around 13 inches but can grow to 19 inches on rare occasions. The turtle's powerful jaws have the capability of biting with such force that medical treatment is often required. They can swivel their head with lightening speed to bite to the sides of their body. When proper care is bestowed upon the snapping turtle, it can easily flourish in captivity.

Things You'll Need

  • Incubator
  • Plastic tub
  • Towel
  • 40- to 100-gallon glass aquarium
  • Aquatic aquarium gravel
  • Driftwood
  • Large flat rocks
  • Two to three goldfish
  • Aquarium water filter
  • Submersible heater with thermostat
  • Full-spectrum fluorescent light
  • Full-spectrum basking light
  • Skimmer
  • Commercial turtle food
  • Raw beef, raw liver, baby snails, cabbage, carrots, bananas, shrimp or crayfish
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    • 1

      Leave the newly hatched baby snapping turtle in the incubator for 48 hours after it hatches. Avoid handling the newly hatched turtle.

    • 2

      Move the baby snapping turtle to a plastic tub with a damp towel. Leave the baby turtle alone for four to five days. It will use the remaining nutrients from its yolk sac that it ingested to survive. Do not handle the baby turtle during such a sensitive time.

    • 3

      Place the baby snapping turtle into a 40-gallon or larger glass aquarium. A 100-gallon tank can easily house a snapping turtle for many years.

    • 4

      Line the tank with at least 14 inches of aquatic aquarium stones. Slope the stones downward so that one-half of the tank forms a pool for the snapping turtle and the other side of the tank is a beach area to lay on. Place pieces of driftwood in the tank and large rocks for the turtle to climb on. Submerge a couple of large, flat rocks in the water.

    • 5

      Fill the tank halfway full with water. A water pH of 6.5 to 7.0 is ideal for the snapping turtle.

    • 6

      Place an aquarium water filter into the tank that has the capability of filtering the water 10 times per hour. Install a submersible heater with a thermostat into the water of the tank. Keep the water temperature between 75 and 80 degrees F.

    • 7

      Place a hood on the tank with a full-spectrum fluorescent light. The light will help the turtle produce vitamin D3. Turn the light off for at least 12 hours per day so the snapping turtle can experience a day and night setting similar to nature.

    • 8

      Install a full-spectrum basking light for the baby turtle to bask out of the water. Young turtles enjoy laying on driftwood or a large flat rock out of the water for long stretches of time.

    • 9

      Place the baby turtle into its new habitat when it is four to five days old. Add two or three goldfish to the water to help keep the water around the baby turtle clean. As the baby snapping turtle grows, it will eventually eat the goldfish.

    • 10

      Feed the baby snapping turtle commercial turtle food daily. Add a bit of raw beef, raw liver, baby snails, cabbage, carrots, bananas, shrimp or crayfish to the baby snapping turtle's diet. Young turtles need to be fed every day.

    • 11

      Change the water in the tank two to three time per week. Remove half the water and renew with new water. Scoop out all the particles from the water, using a skimmer.